Our partners
If you set up a campaign with us, we will ensure that we bring together the right partners from our network. We work on long-term solutions. In doing so, we are constantly looking for new opportunities to reach your target group. Some examples of partners we work closely with are:
The National Moving File
With the National Moving File we provide addresses of homes that are recently for sale or have been sold. We also provide addresses of homes that have just been transferred or where the new residents have recently moved. This brings your product or service to the attention of people who are moving at the right time. In addition to providing the addresses, it is possible to advertise on the online platform of Woonplanner with a targeted lead question. This allows you to recruit interested parties directly and approach them via e-mail or telephone.
The collaboration with KiesJeFolders has already yielded many good results for advertisers. With KJF, consumers can indicate which folders they do or do not want to receive. The compiled folder package contains a personalized letter with a targeted offer that can change weekly. In this way, we have already managed to win many new puzzlers in collaboration with Puzzelbrein and KiesJeFolders. But we also generate requests for the home catalog for Goossens in this way.
Wij Special Media
Expectant mothers or mothers with a baby want to know everything about their (expectant) child. Whether it concerns nutrition, health or new products. In collaboration with Wij Special Media we have already conducted several studies among young mothers, provided lead generation or delivered addresses. Of course we always take into account the applicable laws and regulations.
Mint Marketing maintains close contacts with multiple affiliate marketing agencies. These are partners who have a large network of e-mail and social media publishers. Together with these affiliate partners, we set up lead campaigns and generate online leads for our clients. We make clear agreements in advance about the numbers and the lead time and we tailor the campaign to your wishes.